Edwards the Integrator - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Edwards the Integrator


Jim–Excellent point! I detailed some similar rhetoric last year in this piece. Here’s the relevent bit:

“If we believe [in equality], when are we going to start living together?” Edwards demanded of the gathered upper middle class whites whose interaction with people of both color and lesser means in this city is almost entirely facilitated by cable television. A cheekier skeptic might have shouted, “Who? Presidents and mill workers?” but instead the question lingered in the air, unanswered, awaiting the explication it soon received.

“A flood of whites move out to the suburbs, send their kids to private schools,” he continued. “Or they move into the richest areas of town. This is so unhealthy. It is unhealthy for our democracy. It is unhealthy for our country.”

It’s a fascinating argument from someone who bought a 100-acre plot in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, last year, which he has presumably not adapted into a refugee camp for the Other Americans.

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