Beinart's Delusional Universe - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Beinart’s Delusional Universe


It’s a commonplace for WaPo columnists to oppose sensible national security measures but when they base their conclusions on utter falsehoods — as Peter Beinart does today — we have to answer.

Relying on studies by the Nixon Center and Syracuse University, Beinart argues it’s absurd to talk about sealing the Mexican border because, “Not one terrorist has entered the United States from Mexico.” In that he’s wilfully ignorant of the facts. As I wrote a month ago, there’s plenty of evidence that terrorists are coming across the Mexican border. My source? Not a think tank, but FBI Director Robert Muller who testified about an Hizballah cell that was caught.

Those such as Beinart who want to keep the borders open are committing willful falsehoods in proclaiming concern for national security. Let’s talk plainly: any “immigration reform” bill that doesn’t create border walls – on the north and south – visible with the naked eye from low earth orbit isn’t worth a bucket of warm spit. And it shouldn’t pass.

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