Drinking the Global Warming Kool-Aid - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Drinking the Global Warming Kool-Aid


The Post goes for the whole pitcher today, with a shrinking Arctic ice cap on the front page and alarming temperature graph after the jump. But as those who read Tom Bethell’s “The False Alert of Global Warming” in the May issue of TAS know, this data is highly unreliable (which one scientist in the article points out). And the author suggests many different sources for the new “2005 is the hottest year on record” data, preventing a close look at the source. But the worst part is the lazy way in which the article raises the man-made global warming specter without comparing the years of rising temperatures to years of rising pollutants. But such data doesn’t help the alarmists’ case, as Bethell pointed out:

The surface data suggest that man-made carbon dioxide has not in fact increased global temperatures. From 1940 to 1975, coal-fired plants emitted fumes with great abandon and without restraint by Greens. Yet the Earth cooled slightly in that time. And if man-made global warming is real, atmospheric as well as surface temperatures should have increased steadily. But they haven’t.

And until they answer for this absence of a correlation, these global warming alarms will fall flat.

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