Could I Be . . . Wrong? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Could I Be . . . Wrong?


Having declared the election over, I’m now beginning to have doubts. Why? Because the Left seems to be starting its victory lap early, convinced that calling Americans racists is the winning ticket.

Exhibit AGlenn Greenwald:

[O]ne of the ugliest, nastiest, most invective-filled personality attacks a major candidate has ever delivered, blatantly designed to stoke raw racial resentments and depict Obama as a Manchurian candidate funded by secret Arab Terrorist sources — a truly unstable and hate-mongering rant . . .

Exhibit BMike Dukakis:

“That ad with Frank Raines was despicable. . . . I mean, what was that anyway? First, it was bald-faced lies. Right? These guys had met once, and Raines is not his housing adviser. Secondly, he put two black guys up there with this older white woman who’s losing her house or whatever. What do you think that’s all about? It isn’t even subtle.”

Exhibit CFiredoglake:

I can’t wait to see these people completely broken and humiliated. I really can’t.

Self-righteousness and hubris are a bad combination in politics, and it’s possible that Democrats are mounting a desperate last-ditch effort to lose this election.

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