Another Committment - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Another Committment

Rudy Giuliani highlighted another commitment today, reducing abortions and increasing adoptions. I agree with CBN’s David Brody’s take: “Giuliani needs to hope that this type of talk will satisfy religious conservatives. It’s important that when Giuliani delivers this speech that it doesn’t just come across as come sort of ’10-point plan,’ but rather that he speaks from his heart about how this issue is very important. Listen, the reality is this isn’t gonna be any sort of perfect, pro-life positioning, but it’s something he needs to play up if he wants to be seen as someone who cares about the life issue. At the end of the day, this speech will be an important step for the mayor, but lets face it: if Giuliani is solid on judges then that trumps everything else. It’s not insignificant that former Solicitor General Ted Olson is traveling with the mayor today in Fort Dodge. When it comes to judges, Olson has become a huge Rudy fan and to have him at Giuliani’s side bolsters Giuliani’s credibility on these issues.” In addition, Giuliani has another set of issues, pro-quality of life issues, which I’ve written about before and which once again focus on his role in cleaning up New York. Does he win the single issue pro-life voters? Unlikely. Does he get a chunk of voters who consider themselves to be social conservatives but for whom abortion alone may not be the deciding issue? That’s what he’s aiming at.
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