War Warning, Part 5, in haste - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

War Warning, Part 5, in haste


1. The fighting in Lebanon is the opening to the September-October attack by Iran. (See War Warning Parts 1-4)

2. The United Nations Security Council is divided along continental lines. Russia and China refuse to endorse Chapter 7 for North Korea. Russia and China refuse to endorse Chapter 7 for Iran. North Korea is an agent of Iran.

3. Iran knows that Jerusalem is the weak point in the US defense. Iran will attack Jerusalem.

4. The Gulf States have been told that they will burn if they assist the US. The Gulf States will assist the US. They will burn.

5. Iran wants the US attack on its facilities to begin by November. Iran knows the winter months of cloud cover are poor for tactical air strikes because it will make it hard to avoid civilian casualties.

6. Iran knows the price of oil is panic. At $100-110 per barrel, the US economy will stagger.

7. The end game is a grand bargain in which the US will quit Iraq in defeat and Iran will assert itself as the regional hegemon.

8. More soon.

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