All Hillary Hat, No Clinton Cattle - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

All Hillary Hat, No Clinton Cattle


PUMA’s plan for a pro-Clinton counter-convention in DC appears to have been a fizzle, with only 60 people in attendance.

UPDATE: Disgruntled Hillary supporters might not be good at organizing conferences, but that doesn’t mean they don’t matter. According to Pew Research, 28% of those who supported Hillary in the Democratic primaries aren’t supporting Obama. So 28% of 18 million is about 5 million. And 18% of Hillary’s primary voters (about 3.25 million voters) say they’ll vote for John McCain in November.

UPDATE II: Reminding you of the Cagney-and-the-grapefruit shock that many Hillary supporters will get when Obama picks someone else as his running mate.

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