MoDo Can't Resist That Pig - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

MoDo Can’t Resist That Pig


By my count, this is Maureen Dowd’s third attempt to mock Sarah Palin (although maybe I’ve lost count and confused her with Sally Quinn). MoDo suspiciously manages to echo Obama’s lipstick-on-a-pig remark:

Sarah, who is now so renowned that she is known merely by one name and has a name ID of 90 percent, has to be a Kmart mom who appeals to Kmart moms and dads. She’s already shown that she can shoot the pig, put lipstick on it, bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. Now all she has to do is also prove that she can be the leader of the free world on a moment’s notice, and field dress Putin as adeptly as she can a moose.
After devilishly mocking Obama — and successfully getting into his head — with ads about how he was just a frothy celebrity, like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, it turns out all the McCain camp wanted was an Obama of its own. Now that they have the electric Palin, they’ve stopped arguing that celebrity is bad. All they do is worship at her cult of celebrity.

When are the elite liberal media going to realize that their obsession with Palin is actually helping the Republicans? There is a figure of speech, derived from the works of Joel Chandler Harris, for a situation where people allow themselves to get stuck in something they can’t get out of, but I wouldn’t want to risk offending anyone today.

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