Rudy and Planned Parenthood - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Rudy and Planned Parenthood


The latest Giuliani abortion controversy involves $900 in contributions that he and his then wife Donna Hanover gave to Planned Parenthood in the 1990s. It’s unclear whether each additional bit of news showing he is and has been pro-choice will have an impact on his standing, or if conservatives have a general impression that he is pro-choice, and new revelations will have diminishing levels of impact as the campaign goes on. The bottom line is that certain part of the Republican electorate will find him unacceptable, but the question is how big is that contingent, and can he win over the rest on fiscal and national security issues. One thing that is clear, however, is that each story like this has the ability to take him off message. Last night, he gave a great speech to the Heritage Foundation, but all anybody wants to talk about today is the Planned Parenthood story.

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