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Forget Family Values


Re: W. James Antle, III’s Antisocial Conservatives:

Just four years ago, after Bush’s re-election, Democratic politicians and pundits were saying that Democratic candidates needed to talk more about their religious faith in order to compete with Republicans. People in politics certainly have very short memories.
Bill Leventon

For me, the most important requirement for Republican/Conservative success in the next presidential election is for the RNC to do now whatever is necessary to ensure that no Republican state primary be open to anyone except registered Republicans.

The second most important requirement is for the RNC to do now whatever is necessary to ensure that no Republican state primary be a “caucus.”

Why call it a “Republican primary election” when it is not one?
A. C. Santore

You are spot-on regarding the current atmosphere of who to blame for the failure of the Republican’s in all the races. The religious Right is not responsible for the losses. The Republican Party is. I, like many others, told the RNC years ago we would no longer financially support a party who will not close the borders, quit spending billions to buy votes, and fail to call the corruption on the Democratic side with an equal amount of vigor as they do to the Republicans. I will not continue to back the spineless and the moderates. 

As for the leadership of the Religious Right I do blame them for failing to raise up candidates who have conservative principles for local, county, state and national office.  ACORN at least got governors moved to the Democratic side, while running as conservatives, as well as Congressional candidates. The Democrats had a strategy of changing the bully pulpit in as many states as possible, thereby creating a wave of “tolerable” Democrats who can set the agenda at all levels of government. They spent the money and got the seats and when this election came, they had a new base of operations in every state.

Republicans used to have a core set of beliefs 20 years ago when Reagan ran that started with “I am a Republican because…” look it up, follow it, run on it and govern with it and 2008 will be the last election some will be trying to blame conservatives for losing, since we will be winning.
Bill Elsasser

The more these characters pile on Sarah, the more I’m convinced that she’s the real deal…

I was not going to vote at all. Never liked McCain and at times, to me at least, he looked more like a RINO instead of a paquiderm.

It was Sarah’s name on the ticket that made me jump with joy and support the ticket… Truth be told I was hoping an early departure for the senator once elected and that will leave her as the first woman president of the country. She’s got my vote, my wife’s, my brothers/wife/sons/daughters’ and in 2012 my young daughter’s…all of whom (excepting the young one) were ready to skip the ballot box until Sarah came onboard…by the way those were 7 legal votes for McCain/Palin in just two households made of legal first generation immigrants from Latin America.

Now it’s clear this nation believes in aristocracy and that unless you’re bred in a certain way you do not qualify to be in DC. All these critics and characters keep that up and pretty soon a group of leaders may decide to start up a true conservative party with true conservative leaders and the elephants will be left wondering what happened in their big empty tent.
Dario Giraldo
Houston, Texas

Just a quick note to commend Mr. Antle for this excellent piece.

Keep up the great work.

Kind regards,
Keith Jones

Re: Ryan L. Cole’s The Era of Bad Feelings:

Have you ever noticed that “bipartisanship” always — always! — means “doing what the Democrats want?”

I remember, back in 2004 after George W. Bush won his second term by a large margin, seeing a prominent Democratic commentator go through a lengthy list of “here’s what President Bush has to do to win Democratic support.” I don’t remember every detail, but every point mentioned seemed to be things I took as having been explicitly repudiated by the election results.

I didn’t see any “here’s what President Obama has to do to win Republican support” laundry list this time around. What has been repudiated now?

I think I’d be happier — and probably the nation would be better off — if, this time around, the Republicans took issue with the Democrat agenda and picked fights. There’s been too much “getting along” already.
Robert Nowall
Cape Coral, Florida

Late last Wednesday the 25-year-old Obamaniac in the next office bounded into my office, something he never does, to gloat. This is the man-child who stopped discussing the election in July when my response to his challenge “Why don’t you like Obama?” was “I lived through Carter and this has the exact same feel.” 

Last Wednesday, I let him revel without response; just watching until he stopped and noted that he was goading me without effect. “Your guy won. Now it is time for you folks to shut up and put up. We’ll be watching.” He left.

One relief of this outcome is that the legions of whiners, criers and ninnies must now be quiet and must back up their years and years of nattering. We needn’t marinate in vitriol as they have, but (and this has been hard for D.C. Republicans) we must always remember that we do not need to do their work.
Reid Bogie
Waterbury, Connecticut


Re: Daniel Allott’s The Most Important Election Since…:

“So why are we regularly told that the next election will inevitably be looked back upon as the hinge of American — and perhaps world — history? It’s the same reason why a football player will tell reporters that his next game is the most important ever, even if he played in the Super Bowl the year before.”

Mr. Allott’s article brings to mind Duane Thomas, one-time running back for the Dallas Cowboys.

Thomas was generally taciturn, no doubt due to the idiotic questions of the Moron Media of his day. When asked how it felt to be playing in the ultimate game, Thomas wondered aloud if there would be another Super Bowl next year.
Dan Martin
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Re: Jeremy Lott’s Redskinned Alive:

The ESPN announcers mentioned the curse during the game. McCain blew his chance again. When interviewed, he should have put in a strong plug for the Steelers, while pointing out that a Steeler victory against the Skins would give the Philadelphia Eagles a bit of a boost. God only knows how many votes he would have picked up in Allegheny County, and the counties surrounding Philadelphia. Of course, he would have risked losing the half-dozen supporters he had in D.C.
Dan Martin
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Jeremy Lott was right on the money in his comparison of the Redskins defeat with that of the McCain presidential bid. But he left one important aspect out. Were the referees, writers and commentators covering the game openly cheering for the Steelers?
Peter F. Killie
Ridgefield, Connecticut

Re: Quin Hillyer’s Saul Alinsky Takes the White House:

Wow. Quin Hillyer’s “Saul Alinsky Takes the White House” reminds me of a man I once knew who thought everyone he met was out to get him and distrustful simply because he was out to get everyone else and was distrustful. He was projecting his beliefs on others.  It seems that Hillyer believes the Democrats will act in the manner he outlines precisely because this is how the Republicans would act if they were in this position. But there are moderates in both parties and hopefully, they and their level-headed thinking will prevail.
Sharyn Taymor
Norwalk, Connecticut

Quin Hillyer replies: I hope Ms. Taymor’s last line is correct. For anyone who is familiar with my work, the rest of her letter is laughable.


While a guest on “Fresh Air” with Terry Gross, (10-21-08) Paul Krugman, the recipient of the Nobel prize for Economic Sciences, stated that McCain who pushed for deregulation, wants to frame the financial crisis as excessive government and places “Fannie and Freddie,” government sponsored lenders, at the core of the crisis when five minutes with the numbers tells that they were not major players.”

Republicans controlled Congress for 12 years during which time they created this colossal financial crisis. Republicans controlled all branches of government in 1929 during the stock market crash, followed by the depression. The Savings & Loan debacle happened during Ronald Reagan’s administration. This crisis could have been avoided if regulators had enforced rules and officials had dared to question risky lending and other dubious practices. America is experiencing a crisis in banking/housing because of deregulation during the Reagan administration and because Alan Greenspan kept interest rates too low. 

The regulatory failure is grounded in the Bush administration’s magical belief that the market, with its invisible hand, works best when it is left alone to self regulate and self correct. The country is now paying the price for that delusion. (editorial — NY Times)

The surplus left by President Clinton has been squandered by giving the richest Americans a tax cut during war time for the first time in our history and we now have the largest debt in history! When Mr. Bush took the oath of office in 200l, the nonpartisan CBO projected $5.6 trillion in federal budget surpluses through 2011. Bush will leave behind a trail of deficits and debt that will sharply constrain his successor, President Obama.

Democrats are compelled to follow Republicans with pooper-scoopers.  Hopefully, President Obama can emulate Roosevelt and clean up the mess Republicans have made and restore America’s credibility and standing in the world and provide the American people with jobs, health care, security, education and HOPE!
M. Delphia Block

Re: Ed Morrow’s letter (under “How Does It Feel?”) in Reader Mail’s The Worst Is Yet to Come:

I was just contacted by a friend who asked me about a post by “Ed Morrow” on this site. Since I am also an “Ed Morrow,” who has advocated conservatism elsewhere online, he was surprised at its contention that conservatives don’t know the value of “inclusiveness, diversity and empathy.” He feared I might have contracted Christopher Buckley-itis or Peggy Noonan Syndrome. The post remarked negatively on the “sea of white faces” at the Republican convention. This oblique insistence that anyone who didn’t vote for Obama is a racist is itself a glaring example of racial divisiveness. While there are kooks in every corner of politics, legitimate conservatives base their acceptance on ideology, not skin color. Any ethnic group is welcome if they share conservative views. If you believe otherwise, please identify a conservative non-white who has been barred from conservative circles because of their race. 

On the other side, liberals love identifying themselves with virtue while demonizing anyone who diverges from their way of thinking, using race- or sex-based tactics they would bitterly decry if used by conservatives. Ask Michelle Malkin how vile Asian stereotypes have been used to attack her. Ask Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell or Clarence Thomas how many times they’ve been called “Uncle Tom.” In addition to race-based attacks there was plenty of sexism in the attacks on Sarah Palin’s appearance, “Caribou Barbie” intellect, and wardrobe (Obama spent twice as much in a single hour on TV ads and no one asked how much his suits cost) or the criticism of her daughter’s pregnancy or Palin’s decision to keep Trig or even her choice to have a career outside the home. For that matter, ask Hillary Clinton if she thinks sexism was used by the Obamaites to attack her. There was precious little “inclusiveness, diversity and empathy” in any of this — just a lot of sanctimonious hypocrisy.
A different, conservative Ed Morrow


There’s a saying I read some time ago that says, “When the choice is between a Democrat and a Democrat, choose the Democrat.”

We all knew a year ago that McCain had no chance (I wrote and told him so), but then we thought he might actually pull it off when he selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. Now, after the inevitable happened and McCain lost, the same [people] who loved McCain a year ago are blaming the loss on Palin.

I can’t begin to tell you how much that [annoys] the real Republicans.

Rich DeRosa
Stockton, California

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