Biden on Obama's Tax Plan - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Biden on Obama’s Tax Plan


Jonathan Martin writes:

Gloomy Republicans are happy to get whatever slice of good news they can, and once again Joe Biden is the bearer of gifts.

“It should go to middle class people,” Biden said yesterday in Pennsylvania of Obama’s tax cut plan “People making under 150,000 dollars a year.”


Obama has repeatedly said it would be those making under $250,000 who would get relief.

Actually, Biden was being consistent. If you listen carefully, what Obama has said is that those making under $150,000 would get a tax credit and nobody making under $250,000 would see their taxes go up. Both claims can be true if those making between $150,000 and $250,000 see no change in their taxes. With that said, do I believe that, if elected, Obama will keep his word on taxes? Heh. About as much as I believe in the existence of three-legged ballerinas.

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